Writers live twice.”
– Natalie Goldberg
I’ve had at least seventeen lives and counting.
Some in the world, and many others on the page. And I have loved them all.

About me: I write fiction and creative non-fiction, and I teach writing too.
I’m interested in the intersection between the global and the domestic; I write about intimate relationships and big thorny topics like climate change in a way I hope is relatable and accessible. I’ve worked in journalism and communications and lived all over the world, from my native Canada to Ghana, India and Hong Kong. These days you’ll find me in Washington, DC, teaching creative writing on the Internet, hanging out with my sweet, busy daughter, and discovering I actually can write book-length manuscripts, hooray!
The literary bio
My short stories have appeared in Prairie Fire, The New Quarterly, The Southern Humanities Review, carte blanche and The Forge, among others. In 2018 I won The Pinch Literary Prize for Fiction, judged by Carmen Maria Machado, and placed third in Wigleaf’s Mythic Picnic Fiction Prize. I’m working on a memoir about eco-anxiety and infertility called Breeding in the Apocalypse. You can read some of my writing here.
Some random facts
I grew up on a farm in Ontario and no, we did not have animals
I’m a relatively outgoing introvert, keen to dance in grocery stores and fond of naps
Also fond of: public libraries, vegan restaurants, lined notebooks, begonias, and if you bring home cookies I will eat the whole box
In another life: theatre actor, realtor, circular economy wizard
I live in America but don’t understand fahrenheit or miles, help